Food List for Keto Diet and Paleo

Having a clear understanding of the foods you can eat while eating Paleo will help you design your daily meal plan. Always remember to keep things simple when preparing a meal. The more complicated it is, the less Paleo it's likely to be. By keeping it simple you keep it clean and free of additives and chemicals that many meals in our society are full of. With that in mind, here is a list of foods you can enjoy. Use it as a guide, realizing that no list of Paleo foods is entirely complete.

Paleo Diet Foods List- what you can and canno't eat while on the Paleo Diet.

Meat and Fish
Paleolithic cavemen were meat eaters, that we do know. To replicate the time period as much as you can you should opt for organic meats whenever possible, or wild game.

meat and fish

Beef – Beef is representative of a meat that is readily available today, but might have been a treat for early man. There were likely many cattle-like species back in those times, many of which aren't around today, and the domestication of cows would coincide with the official end of the Paleolithic era and the move into agriculture.

Buffalo/Bison – Here's another protein-packed edible that is more in tune with what a caveman might have eaten. This is often brought up as a healthier alternative to beef due to its leaner make-up. Since the buffalo industry is not as widespread as the cattle industry it also means there's less chance at hormones and other substances being in the meat.

Chicken – You can enjoy all parts of the chicken including the breast, thigh, legs, and wings. Chicken wings are a go, which means you don't have to pass on them when at a sports bar. Chicken breast makes a great lean protein and often serves as a staple food for Paleo followers.

Eggs – You can enjoy all types of eggs on the Paleo diet, as it represents a source of food that Stone Age man would have capitalized on if they came upon a nest. When you eat an egg you're essentially eating an entire animal in one go. Opt for the cage-free and organic variety, it may cost a bit more but it's definitely a more Paleo way to go.

Lamb – Another meat source you can have while on Paleo is lamb. This is a regular meat option in places like Australia, but it's more of a once in awhile thing for Americans. It's a bit fattier than other meats, but still considered Paleo-friendly. Try it in shank or chop form, as meat on the bone is just a bit more Stone Age.

Pork – It would have been a wild boar back in the day, but pig meat is what's readily available in our society today. On the docket is all types of pork including bacon, ham, pork chops, and more. Be sure to opt for organic cuts or pork anytime you can.

Turkey – Turkey is another poultry option that you can take part in, which makes it nice since you can get it at many supermarkets and grocery stores. Opt for roasted turkey breast over cold cuts, because there's nothing Paleolithic about lunch meats filled with nitrates and added sodium.

Wild Game – Wild game of all types is the closest thing you can get to eating like a caveman in the modern era. This is exactly the type of food they would have eaten, and it's going to be free of all of the chemicals and antibiotics, as well as avoiding being fed all the grains that are given to today's domesticated livestock.

Bass – Fishing was a large part of the success of Paleolithic man, and what helped them win out over Neanderthals. Bass is good source of protein, but also has saturated fat, so you'll want to watch how much of it you eat. It's also a good source of omega-3s.

Clams – Clams would have represented a food source that didn't fight back, as long as you knew where to find them and how to get them. Paleolithic man was known for coming up with new ways to harvest ocean animals, so clams or something like them would have been a regular protein boost.

Halibut – Halibut consistently ranks as one of the healthiest fish you can eat, and it makes a great addition to the Paleo diet. This is because it is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3s. Eating Paleo helps to make sure that you get more omega-3s than omega-6s.

Lobster – This is a rather gourmet shellfish to have, and can be saved for special occasions, or just whenever depending on what your budget allows. Paleo style is eating just one meat at meal, so surf and turf isn't a good option, but you can enjoy lobster dipped in liquified grass fed ghee.

Mackerel – Mackerel is a great fish to choose because it has benefits like helping with heart disease, lowering your cholesterol, fighting and preventing cancer, and boosting your immune system. It's a white fish that can be used in plenty of recipes to make a healthy main dish for your new lifestyle.

Salmon – This is a great fish option that should make it onto your plate regularly. A great source of quality protein as well as respectable amounts of omega-3s make this a fish you can return to again and again. Opt for wild Alaskan salmon, it's worth the extra cost to be as close to Stone Age salmon as possible.

Sardines – Sardines are an excellent source of protein, and can also contribute to your heart and bone health. It is also a good source of Vitamin D, a vitamin that can be tricky to keep topped up on, but that is important for your overall health and well-being.

Shrimp – Shrimp make a good seafood to have on-hand in your freezer pretty much at all times. This is because they're easy to cook up and are also able to be eaten without cooking. Putting them on the grill is the Paleo-est way to cook them and they always taste great.

Swordfish – This is one fish that doesn't typically make the menu on a regular basis, but it may be one that you want to start eating more of. Over half of swordfish is pure protein, which will help you feel full long after the meal is over. This is one fish that prehistoric man would have wrestled with, but you can simply buy it from the seafood section.

Tilapia – Tilapia enjoyed a surge in popularity a few years back and now finds its way onto many menus at restaurants across the country. This makes it a good dining out choice when you want to be social but don't want to sacrifice your new way of eating. It has a delicate and yummy flavor while being high in protein and omega-3s.

Trout – Another great source of omega-3s and proteins. In this instance you might not want to go with wild caught trout because they may have higher levels of mercury and other contaminants. Buying farmed trout may not be very Paleo but may be the safer way to go.

Tuna – Keeping packs of albacore tuna handy is a good way to make sure that you always have a protein source available. It's so easy to eat since it doesn't require cooking, and it's a great lean source of protein that plays well with veggies. You can also opt for tuna steaks if you want to go the fancy route.

To be sure, if the day's hunt didn't go as planned, Paleolithic man would need to fall back on the gathering skills of the rest of the tribe which would largely be wild-growing veggies.


Artichoke – Artichokes are a tasty addition to any salad and make a great side as well. For extra flavor and to make any meal more filling try Roman artichokes. These are larger sized artichokes that you can use as the central part of your meal if you need to.

Asparagus – Asparagus pairs well with fish, and since fish features so prominently in the Paleo diet plan you should add a bundle of it to your shopping cart every time you're at the grocery store. It can be eaten raw and tastes delicious this way. They are also easily steamed and taste great off the grill.

Beets – Beets are a superfood that you're probably not getting enough of. They contain specific flavonoids that you just won't find in too many other vegetables. You can easily imagine Paleolithic gatherers finding these growing wild and pulling them out of the ground. Try grilling fresh beets. Yum!

Broccoli – Surely you know that broccoli is good for you, and on the Paleo diet it's important to get good sources of fiber to help keeping things moving digestively. Balancing out a portion of meat with a good helping of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables means you're getting a good nutritional mix.

Brussels Sprouts – While perhaps not the best tasting food, they are definitely an item that you'll want to add to your plate again and again. One way to cook these tiny guys is to skewer them and pop them on the grill. Of course you can also steam them but this isn't the most flavorful way to go.

Cabbage – Cabbage has so many benefits to it that it regularly makes the list of healthiest foods to eat. These include anti-cancer benefits as well as helping with heart health. It also contains fiber which you'll want to be sure you're getting enough of. One trick to cooking cabbage is to shred it or otherwise cut it into smaller bits to promote faster cooking times.

Carrots – Carrots are a nice food to keep around because they come in many forms, and are easy to take with you while on the go. Drop a bag of baby carrots into your cart on your next shopping run and you'll see that they make a cool crisp snack you can enjoy anywhere and they won't weigh you down.

Cauliflower – Often paired with broccoli, cauliflower is a Paleo-friendly food you'll want to get familiar with if you currently don't eat it too often. It's so versatile that it's often used in recipes in place of things like couscous and stuffing. This makes it a handy veggie to try to replicate some of your favorites that you can no longer have.

Celery – If you don't like the stringy nature of celery, consider adding it to a Paleo soup, or dropping it in the blender for a Paleo green smoothie. It's packed with hydration because of all the water it contains, as well as a good amount of phytonutrients your body needs.

Collard Greens – You never have to think twice about consuming leafy greens while on Paleo. These have a robust flavor and if you've never had them before you're not alone. Often overshadowed by spinach and kale this is one green you may have been missing out on.

Cucumber – Cucumbers are a very healthy choice no matter which diet plan you're following, but you should give them extra attention when eating a Paleo meal plan. They are packed with water so they can help your body stay hydrated, and keep you alert and focused. Plus they can be eaten solo or used in a recipe or on a salad.

Dandelion – You might look at this as just a flower, but it's a highly edible flower and one that has many health benefits. Dandelion extract is also one supplement you may want to look into for the same caliber of benefits. These go great on top of salads, both as decoration and added nutrients.

Eggplant – Eggplant has sort of a prehistoric feel to it, all purply and bulbous, and it's easy to imagine early man finding a vegetable similar to eggplant while out on their gathering missions. It cooks up wonderfully and tastes great with a wide assortment of meats.

Endive – Adding endive to your salad will add to its flavor profile, and offer additional nutrients that other lettuces don't have. It also has a nice bright color, so it can add to the visual appeal as well. It's important to get enough veggies like this to balance out all the meat you'll be consuming.

Green Onions – Green onions are often used as a garnish, and it's one that you don't have to go without while eating a Paleo diet. They not only add that little something, they also pack their fair share of flavor, so it's nice to enjoy them in a myriad of recipes.

Kale – Kale gives spinach a run for its money in the nutrition department, and it's a heavier and bulkier green that you should add to your meals more often. It contains a ton of phytonutrients giving you anti-cancer defenses as well as protecting against free radical damage.

Mushrooms – You don't have to be picky with the type of mushrooms you eat, as they're all considered Paleo friendly. These must have been some of the easiest vegetables for pre-modern man to eat, since they just had to find them and pick them from the ground, just making sure not to eat the poisonous ones.

Mustard Greens – Add mustard greens to any salad and it will immediately look fancier and taste better. They have a peppery taste that many enjoy, and that add something new to the palate. It also has its own share of nutritional goodness, so you'll also be enhancing the amount of vitamins and minerals you'll be getting. Bonus!

Onions – Onions make a great veggie for Paleo followers because they're easy to come buy, cheap, and can be eaten raw as a garnish or sauted to a golden brown and used to enhance the flavor of beef, chicken, and pork.

Parsley – Even though this is often used as a garnish, it's actually quite a nutritious food with cleansing properties. You can dice it up and use it to top just about any meat item, and it especially goes great with fish and chicken. Add it to a green smoothie with other Paleo veggies for a crisp flavor.

Parsnip – These look like more triangular and lighter colored carrots, and there is a virtual plethora of ways you can cook it. For a fast and easy side, try slicing them up into sticks and steaming them in the microwave. You can also cut them and have and lay them on the grill next to the meat.

Peppers – Eat any of the pepper family that you want, including any shade of the bell peppers, as well as the spicier jalapenos and habaneros. Peppers are great to use for added color to any dish, and can crank the heat up so Mother Nature can remind you who's boss.

Pumpkin – Pumpkin is filling and nutritious and needs to become a bigger part of your diet than the holiday pumpkin pie and Halloween carvings. The good part about them is that you can use the seeds from them as well (see below). Think pumpkin soup alongside a meat dish as a nice rounded meal.

Radish – It's time to upgrade radish from salad garnish to actual vegetable you can enjoy as a side dish next to your meat portion. They contain a unique mix of vitamins and minerals and have been shown to help fight off cancer as well as help with some respiratory conditions.

Rhubarb – Rhubarb looks like celery from a parallel universe because of its reddish, purplish hue. It is often used in recipes as a fruit, but it's classified as a vegetable. Either way you're clear to use it on the Paleo diet, and enjoy the benefits it provides.

Romaine Lettuce – Here's a nice leafy green to have on hand so you can whip yourself up a Salmon Ceasar Salad or a Chicken Caesar Salad. You could even make a traditional Caesar using anchovies as your protein, and benefiting from the omega-3s it contains. No matter which way you go Romaine tastes great and is available everywhere.

Rutabaga – Rutabaga might not be a vegetable that makes it into your regular line-up, but when eating Paleo it's best to keep an open mind. These have lots of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and Magnesium so they make a great addition to your day for extra energy.

Seaweed – It's not easy to incorporate kelp into the modern American diet, but it's something that would have helped Stone Age man survive, especially if they were living near the ocean, as many early tribes did. You don't need to go out of your way to start eating it if you can't find it locally, but if it's available it's got plenty of aquatic minerals and vitamins not found in land plants.

Spinach – This is a winner no matter how you eat it, and it deserves a spot on your plate whenever you can fit it in. It's great as a base for a salad, and is the cornerstone to green smoothies, which are helpful on the Paleo diet for times when you just don't want to chew up a lot of greens.

Squash – Squash is such a versatile and tasty veggie that you'll have no trouble finding opportunities to eat it. It's also a vegetable that grows well on its own in the wild so it was surely something primitive man would have capitalized on.

Swiss Chard – Here's another excellent leafy green that will give your taste buds a kick and will accentuate any salad. It mixes great with spinach and kale and really rounds out the flavors. It can be a bit bitter so you probably won't want to construct a salad with only this as your green.

Tomato – While technically a fruit this often gets counted as a vegetable, and it's digested by the body in a way that makes it so you can eat tomatoes without the same concern as fruit on the Paleo diet. This gives the green light to tomato sauces, but you'll need to find Paleo friendly noodles if you want to make spaghetti.

Turnips – You can eat all parts of the turnip, both the greens as well as the bulbous bottom. It's easy to cook and can fast become one of your favorite sides if you learn to prepare it right. It can be a welcome change from the same old vegetables you have each day, and it's good to broaden your horizons while eating Paleo.

Watercress – Another fantastic way to accent a salad is to add watercress to it. You may end up liking this for its somewhat buttery taste, and it can quickly find its way into your shopping cart once you spot it in the produce section. It's good to have a list of greens and pile them on since you'll be eating so much meat.

Zucchini – One of the yummier veggies on the Paleo list of foods is zucchini. It's often used as a side dish, and many vegetarian recipes use it as part of a main dish. You likely won't be skipping on the meat, so use this as a great accompaniment to your protein-packed main dish.

Most of your carbs on the Paleo Diet will come from fruits. While the fruits found tens of thousands of years ago were likely far different in nature than what you find on today's store shelves, here are some Paleo-approved fruits you can eat in moderation.


Apple – Apples are traced back through our history as a fruit that has always done us well. It doesn't require a stretch of the imagination to think that early man would have picked and enjoyed apples whenever they came upon a tree. Seek these out for their broad nutritional profile.

Apricot – Apricots are a fruit that often gets lost in the popularity contest and you may have to seek them out in the produce department. But it's worth the extra effort because they have a taste that no other fruit has, and they also contain a good amount of fiber, vitamins, and nutrients.

Avocado – This is a wonderful fruit to add to just about any meal, and in addition to providing you with more potassium than a banana, it also contains plenty of healthy fats that are a big part of the Paleo plan. It makes a great snack and can help you go from hungry to satisfied all on its own.

Banana – Bananas are one fruit that's often associated with monkeys and other primates, so it is only assumed that at some stage in our evolution they were a handy go-to fruit that provided energy with potassium and other vitamins and minerals. This makes a great on the go snack to hold you over between meals.

Blackberries – Blackberries are perhaps the closest thing to wild berries that you'll find in supermarkets, as they tend to be able to grow on their own more without the need to be cultivated. They pack some serious antioxidants and are worth buying next time you're out.

Blueberries – One of the more mainstream berries, blueberries are generally easy to find in grocery stores year round. You'll be passing on things like pancakes and muffins, but you can keep it simple by popping these delectable berries as a snack or as a post-meal dessert.

Boysenberries – You'll get antioxidants from boysenberries, the same way you will from other berries like blueberries, but they'll provide a different taste that some prefer. Use them as part of a power-packed berry mix or eat them solo for a treat.

Cantaloupe – Cantaloupe, referred to as rock melon in some parts of the world, is a wonderful choice that most surely would have been eaten by man throughout the ages. They are packed full of both Vitamin A and Vitamin C and can be eaten as a sweet dessert when you need it.

Cherimoya – This is an important fruit to add to your Paleo eating. It's high in fiber, has a bit of protein, and has a good amount of Vitamin C. Another standout is its levels of Vitamin B6, which will supply you with plenty of energy to propel you through your day.

Cherries – Whether you get fresh cherries or go with dried cherries you can't beat this as a snack option. Cherries and other easily picked fruit would have been a big part of Stone Age eating. These fruits would have provided nourishment when other food became scarce, and would have provided energy to go out and kill some animals.

Cranberries – These tart berries are usually consumed in juice form, but you'll want to avoid juice while on Paleo. You can try eating a handful of them before a workout, or between meals. They're a good source of Vitamin C and fiber.

Figs – If your only frame of reference for figs is Fig Newtons you'll have to branch out a bit, as those aren't Paleo-approved. Opt instead for real figs, either dried which are more commonly available, or fresh, which you may only find at certain times of the year.

Grapefruit – Here's a healthy fruit option that finds its way on many lists of the healthiest foods you can eat. It's often brought up as a weight loss food as well, and it fits nicely into the Paleo eating method. It's filling and low in sugar with plenty of Vitamin C.

Grapes – Grapes are one of the best fruits to eat as a snack because they're portable and poppable. You can opt for any kind of grapes you want, but be sure not to overdo it because they are somewhat high in sugar so a large portion might spike your blood sugar levels.

Guava – The Vitamin C levels for guava are off the charts, and they also score well in the fiber department. It's important to get antioxidants into your system, and to keep the fiber coming because of all the meat that you'll be consuming and guava can help with both of those goals.

Honeydew – Melons were surely enjoyed back in the prehistoric era and are still enjoyed in modern society. Nutritionally speaking you're better off eating cantaloupe, but these two melons are often seen in a melon salad, and it's good to switch things up and not always eat the same thing.

Kiwi – Another source of Vitamin C that comes in a handy and portable size. Kiwi can be eaten on its own as a snack to get you to your next meal, and also works well in a smoothie. You can opt for the common green variety or look for the gold kiwi as well.

Lemon – Lemons aren't exactly a fruit that you'll just peel and eat, but you can enjoy lemon slices in water, or lemon juice sprinkled on the meats you'll be eating. It adds flavor to fish, which you'll be eating a lot of, and adds Vitamin C to whatever you use it on.

Lime – Limes, like lemons, aren't likely to be a fruit that you dive into, but they make great accentuations to foods and drinks so that you can have a citrusy taste. Also big on Vitamin C and low and sugar so you can use them without worrying too much about their sugar content.

Lychee – These are one exotic fruit that are popular in some parts of the world than others, and one that you simply have to try if you haven't yet. They're absolutely delicious and they'll grow on their own with little assistance if they're allowed to, making them a great untampered with source of nutrients.

Mango – An exotic choice for fruit is mango, but you can typically find them in the frozen fruits section. It contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A, as well as Vitamin B6 for energy. It can be used as a dessert while eating Paleo, since most conventional desserts will be off limits.

Orange – Known for their high levels of Vitamin C oranges are a great way to top up on key vitamins while following a Paleo lifestyle. Oranges come in handy because they travel well and if you go navel they're easy to peel and eat. Avoid the ubiquitous orange juice and eat these fresh for best results.

Papaya – Papaya is a great source for antioxidants and can wake up your taste buds if they've gotten used to the same old fruit. They are often found in fruit salads, but you can enjoy these on their own, or toss some into a smoothie for a midday pick-me-up.

Passion Fruit – Passion fruit provides a broad mix of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C to boost your immune system, and Iron to meet your daily needs. The nice part about having high levels of Vitamin C and Iron in the same fruit is that the Vitamin C will help your body absorb the Iron.

Peaches – Peaches and their nectarine cousins are two fruits you can enjoy while following the Paleo Diet. They are pretty interchangeable in recipes, and if you're eating them individually the only major difference is that peaches have fuzz on the outside while nectarines are smooth. The taste is very similar and they're even in the same family from a scientific standpoint.

Pears – The fiber content in pears is enough to make sure that you reach for these on a regular basis while eating Paleo. They have a different makeup than other fruits, with a grainy consistency, and this is what works its way through your body, helping to keep your insides clean.

Persimmon – You'll be getting a good dose of Vitamin C when you eat persimmon, but more importantly you'll be adding another fruit to your rotation. It's important to have a wide range of foods, as early man would not have been picky about the foods he ate.

Pineapple – This is one delicious fruit you can eat while on Paleo, but be careful with it because it's easy to over consume it and end up with too much sugar. It does make a great dessert option since you won't be able to eat things like ice cream or cake.

Plums – Plums provide a good amount of Vitamin C and are easy enough to take with you wherever you go and enjoy when you want it. One tip is to use fruit to help provide you with energy when you're immersed in this 21st century lifestyle and your body could use all the help it can get.

Pomegranate – You may have noticed a surge in popularity of pomegranate in recent years. It's been showing up in more and more beverages because of its health benefits. You'll want to avoid the juice and go right for the fruit on this one.

Raspberries – Raspberries go really well with other berries on this Paleo food list, or they can be eaten on their own for a tart but yummy treat. Berries of all types have that Stone Age feel to them and you can imagine the excitement of prehistoric man when they found them growing in the wild – and realized they weren't poisonous.

Star Fruit – It's easy to see where this fruit got its name, and if you're not used to eating them you may want to start buying more. They have a unique taste all their own, and provide a respectable amount of Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals while being low in sugar.

Strawberries – Strawberries are a nice fruit to have while on Paleo because they're so common you can easily buy them all year and not worry about paying too much for them. One great way to get strawberries is at a farmer's market, because you're buying locally and can get them as fresh as possible.

Tangerine – Tangerines provide more of a sweet taste than an orange, and still clock in on the Vitamin C-o-meter. They manage to do this without having a lot of sugar, but you'll still want to keep an eye on your intake of fruit to make sure that you're not getting too much.

Watermelon – A summertime favorite, watermelon is actually a superfood that provides you with plenty of antioxidants to help with free radical damage. Since you'll be eating a lot of meat on this diet plan you'll need to account for that by consuming enough vegetables for fiber and phytonutrients, and fruits like watermelon for their antioxidant value.

Fats, Nuts, and Seeds
One great aspect of the Paleo Diet is that healthy fats get their fair share of attention. Make sure that you're incorporating these oils and nuts into your daily cooking and eating so that your body can benefit from their nutritional value.

fats, nuts and seeds

Avocado Oil – Like the name suggests this is an oil pressed from an avocado. It's been credited with helping blood cholesterol levels, preventing cancer, and providing benefits to both your hair and skin. Use it for cooking, or as a salad dressing and you can't go wrong.

Butter – You'll find it easier to cook and eat Paleo now that you see that butter is allowed. Go with the most natural butter you can, opting for grass-fed butter made from cows that were fed grass instead of grain. Also consider using ghee which cuts off the impurities and leaves behind just the fat.

Coconut Oil – Coconut oil, as you may have guessed, comes from coconuts and can be used in cooking as well as topically around the body for a host of different conditions. Make sure you go as premium as you can on this one, opting for organic instead of conventional coconut oil.

Macadamia Nut Oil – This comes from macadamia nuts which as you'll see below are a Paleo-approved nut. The benefits of the oil are that it contains plenty of monounsaturated fat, which is the good fat that you should be getting more of if you want to feel good between meals and lose fat from your body.

Olive Oil – This is a great oil choice because it's readily available and relatively cheap compared to some of the other options for oils. Go with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and you'll be doing yourself a big favor as this consistently ranks as one of the best oils, both to cook with and to eat on salads.

Almonds – Eat a handful of almonds and you'll feel great for hours afterward. That's what makes them such a powerful addition to your Paleo eating plan. They provide nourishment and sustenance and can also give you energy. They also help you build muscle so you can really get that caveman physique.

Cashews – When looking for cashews in the store, avoid the ones that come in a can by companies like Planters and opt instead for raw cashews. These are going to be more akin to the type of nuts found by our ancestors, and it will help you avoid added salt and unhealthy fats used in the roasting process.

Hazelnuts – While they do have some saturated fat, a large majority of hazelnuts is healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fats. They also contain a good amount of protein, so they make a filling snack to get you through to your next full meal.

Macadamia Nuts – You don't need to follow conventional wisdom with macadamia nuts because while they do contain a good deal of fat, most of it comes from healthy fats that you should be eating. Avoid chocolate covered macadamias, or cookies that have them in it, and you'll be fine.

Pecans – If the only pecans you eat are in pecan pie, it's time to branch out and start enjoying them on their own. You can find raw pecans in the nut section of Whole Foods or health food stores. You want to avoid pecans that have been heavily processed because they typically get added sugar, salt, and oil.

Pine Nuts – Pine nuts contain plenty of minerals in them that your body needs like magnesium and iron. You can have these as a snack, but they also make a great salad topper and can be used as a garnish sprinkled on top of meats.

Pumpkin Seeds – Pumpkins also make the list of Paleo foods, and their seeds are especially interesting because they're emerging as one of the healthiest seeds you can eat. They are credited with helping you sleep, helping to promote heart health, and helping to stabilize blood glucose levels to help maintain a healthy weight.

Sunflower Seeds – The main benefit you're getting from sunflower seeds is their high levels of Vitamin E. This is a vitamin that you might not get enough of when eating the Paleo way, so it's important to find sources of it that you can easily eat and then not have to worry about your vitamin levels.

Walnuts – Walnuts are big on magnesium, fiber, iron, and Vitamin B6 so you're simply going to feel better after eating them. The B6 is known for helping with that energized feeling, and your body needs those important minerals in order to be healthy and fit.

Food List for Keto Diet and Paleo


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